Monday, March 31, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day!

Yep, that's right. Today is my last day to be pregnant. Right now, Jax is moving around like crazy. I really can't wait to meet this precious little guy! This time tomorrow, I'll be a Mommy to two, and have a sweet baby to feed, cuddle, and love. I am thrilled! I will admit, however, I'm a little nervous. I will be going in early tomorrow morning for a scheduled c-section. I keep hearing how much easier it is the second time around, so I am banking on that.

I think I'm just about ready. I've been doing laundry today, and packing my suitcase. I ran to Target, (well, I didn't actually run) to buy a robe. The one I have is way too big and hot. I found a nice, light, blue terry robe. I also went and bought a baby book. I had looked before at Target, but didn't find one. I got one today at the Paper Lion, and it's really cute. I want my visitors to be able to sign his book. So, anyway, I am getting there. I hope I don't forget anything I just can't live without. I'm sure I'll take makeup and all that jazz again, but who knows if I will use it. I didn't when Payton was born.

OK, so, here is my last pregnant girl picture. Just so you know, my ankles and feet are really swollen, and I am just puffy all over. So, I really don't like pictures of me, but I also feel it's important to document this special time in my life. So, no laughing!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A good time to start blogging again....

Well, here we are, March 30, 2008. A lot of time has past since my last entry, and definitely a lot of things have changed. My beautiful girl turned FOUR years old about a month ago, Jeff and I will celebrate our TEN year anniversary in less than a
month, we had a pool put in (finally), and in two days, I will be giving birth to a precious, most-anticipated, oft prayed for Baby Boy! I told you a lot has been happening!

I want to be able to share our lives with our friends and loved ones, so I am going to give another go to this blogging thing. I wasn't that great about it the first time, but maybe this time I can keep my act together!! :-)

So, we'll start with some updated pictures. I'm sure some of you would like to laugh at my hugeness, so I guess I'll allow you to. I also have some pretty cute Easter pic's of Miss P. Who knows what else I'll throw in there.

Payton in her Easter dress

Cousins! Emma, Jada, Payton

I like the Easter Bunny this year!