Thursday, August 17, 2006

So how long can I stretch this out?

As you know by now, my 30th bday was yesterday. I have had a great "birthday week". I had the party last Friday, then on Tuesday my Dad took me to dinner. Last night I had class, and Brooks brought me balloons, and tonight, Jeff is taking me to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse! I mean, what a week, huh? I also ordered my bday present today - from Jeff. A new lens, a filter, some reflectors, a new SD card, and a softbox! Woo hoo!! I'm really excited, can you tell?

Monday, August 14, 2006

He Pulled It Off!

This coming Wednesday is my birthday....the Big 3-0!! UGH! Anyway, I've been moping around for a couple of weeks about it. A combination of being sad about turning 30, and feeling sorry for myself thinking that he wasn't going to do anything for me. Well, he surprised the crap out of me Friday night by throwing me a party and getting all of my friends together at Mi Cocina. There were like 30 people there; friends and family. I had such a great time! I honestly had no clue that he was doing it. I'm so proud of him for actually planning something, getting all my friends there, and keeping it a surprise! He is such a wonderful hubby, and I love him so much!

The funny parts; I went to Austin on Thursday, and was set to fly back on Friday night. He was going to pick me up at the airport. Well, with all the hype going on, and tons of files, I decided to rent a car and drive back. Well, this threw him off a little. So, I got home a little early, and he was stalling me. He had told me that we were going to go to dinner with an old friend of his that was in town. It was either going to be Mi Cocina or Uncle Julio's. So, after like hanging out in a parking lot waiting to find out where we were going, he told me to just go to UJ, and get on the waiting list. So I go there by myself, have a margarita at the bar, and wait for them. Later he calls and says, oh, they are at Mi Cocina, and they already have a table. Well shit, I could've gone there an hour ago...why didn't they let him know??? So, I start heading to MC. He calls and tells me he runs out of gas in my car. Lovely...he has Payton with him too; so that made me mad. Anyway, all this to stall me so I don't get to MC too early; and it never even crossed my mind that he was planning this! Wasn't that sweet of him?

Oh, and my mom got me Cowboy tickets --- well, is getting me some. She said I could pick the game! Woo hoo!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

OK, Christine, here they are

My landscape pic's for class tomorrow night. I like them better in color, but BFGW prof wants them in b/w. What do you think?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Just some pictures I wanted to share..

A Fun Weekend

Is it already the work week? Ugh! I swear, the weekends are TOO SHORT and go by TOO FAST! We had a fun weekend (aside from hurting my back). Saturday night I went to a boudoir party (don't tell Jeff, it's a secret/surprise). I had an awesome time. I went in very nervous and self-conscious, and came out feeling like a hot, sexy mama, with a ton more self-esteem! I can't believe how much I enjoyed it. I cannot wait to see the pictures. We had an awesome photographer who made us feel so comfortable. I had never met her before that night, but I was so relaxed with her. She did an awesome job!

Yesterday, we went to Red River ATV to ride motorcycles with Chris and Traci. It was a very last minute thing, but we had a really good time, heat and all! It was weird, I didn't ride much, but when I did, my back didn't bother me! So weird, but like I said, it hurts in some positions, but not in others. Anyway, we had a good weekend. When we got home last night it was dark and smelled like rain. I think it poured all around us, but we didn't get a DROP! Ugh! We must not be living right! :-)

I still haven't taken my landscape pictures. I need to get on that...what to do???

What to do for a hurt back?

Saturday morning, after gymnastics, I was helping Payton go potty. When I stood up, WHAMMO, my lower back was in some serious pain! I could barely walk out of the bathroom. Well, I have been in pain all weekend, sometimes worse than others. In some positions it feels fine, then in others it's awful. For example, when I have been sitting, then stand up, it kills and is really hard to walk. I don't know what to do! If I go to a doctor, what kind of dr. should I go to? I don't think my GP could do anything about it. I have never been to a chiropractor, but the thought is crossing my mind. I don't know..but it freakin' hurts and I need some relief. Any advice? Any of you out there dealt with this before?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Yay! I got a good grade!

On my pictures, that is! My BFGW professor really liked them! I'm so excited.

Now, on to the next assignment -- landscapes. Anyone have any good suggestions? We have to do b/w landscapes, with our lens out as wide as it will go.

He made a slight modification to the b/w one, but I like it. Here you go. He said that all my pics were good for printing! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pictures for Class

Well, I didn't get out and take pictures like I wanted to. I really wanted to find some unique "thing" or landscape, but for one reason or another, I didn't. So, I took some pictures of Payton (I know, big surprise)...and I hope the BFGW professor likes them.

It's Official

No more pa pa's (paci's) in this house! Woop!!!