Tuesday, September 20, 2005

And this day just keeps getting better

I'm so depressed right now. I just got word that my boss (who is awesome) is leaving the company. He's going to work for a (sorta) competitor. He is a huge reason why I took this job in the first place. I really am totally bummed about this. I actually cried when he announced it on our conference call. I just felt like I had been kicked in the gut. OK, now that you all think I'm weird, I'm gonna sign off and go have myself a little pity party.

I'm so pissed

OK, so the Cowboys looked halfway decent at the start of the game. They definitely had the momentum. What happened? Why is it that the coaches think that a 14 point lead is enough? That's only 2 touchdowns; which, as we saw, can be made up rather quickly. Why is it that we always take the conservative route --"Let's just run the ball up the middle all night"--oh yeah, sounds like a great plan! And, how do you miss a 41 yd field goal??? Huh, huh? You get paid the big bucks, right? ARGHH, I'm so annoyed today.

Oh, and to top it all off, my work laptop has crashed. Gotta get a new hard drive. Guess what else? Haven't backed up in a couple of months...great.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Oh, what a night...

We were awakened about 4:00 am to my daughter's crying. So I'm thinking she just can't find her paci, so I'm going to go give it to her and go back to bed. Well, before I even got into her room, the smell overtook me. She had thrown up all over herself and her bed, as well as had diarrhea coming out of her diaper. Lovely sight, I know. I couldn't stand the smell, so Jeff had to do the clean up. I did the bathing. So, we went back to bed, and a little while later, she got sick again. Luckily, she hasn't since then. Ugghh, my poor baby.

The Birthday Party

Yesterday we went to my niece Emma's first birthday party. All of the family was there. Payton has figured out the opening presents thing, so she was helping Emma (who could've cared less). I think Payton thought all the toys were hers; poor Emma! Anyway, we had a great time. Here are some pic's from the party!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Guess it's gonna be

another boring Saturday night. We have no plans; not even dinner out. I did rent a movie though, Guess Who. I hope it's good or my night will really suck! Just thought I'd complain a little. Hope y'all have a fun Saturday night.

Go Cowboys!

My favorite team of ALL-TIME is undefeated as of yet this season. So we've only played one game, what's the big deal? How long am I going to be able to say that. This week is a Monday night game - Primetime baby. We are gonna freakin' kill the Redskins. Better watch out Joe Gibbs!

Man, I'm so behind

On this scrapbook I'm working on for Payton. At this point, I'm just trying to get her first year done. She is 18.5 months, and I'm on month 3. Wow, I'm doing really well. Man, it's so overwhelming for a non-creative person. Anyway, I worked on it last night for roughly 5 hours. Got one two-page layout done. I'm good, I know. HA! Oh, but I also made a birthday card for my niece who turns one this week. Her party is today. I sure hope my kid takes a nap soon!

Dang, it's been a while...

since I've updated this thing. How boring it must be for the three people who read it! So yesterday was an interesting day. We went to lunch with the girlfriends. The good thing was we got to eat outside. Believe it or not it was actually pleasant in Dallas at noon-thirty. That didn't last long, 'cause it's already hot again. Anyway, there were like a jillion little kids running around. So much for actually enjoying a lunch. One of these days we are going to leave them all home with their dad's so that we can have a pleasant lunch!

I ate one of those big ol' burrito's from Chipotle. Damn, those things are huge. Gave Payton a bite, guess that hot sauce was too much for her---bad mom. So then I see these women with cheese quesadailla's for their little one's. I sure as heck didn't see that on the menu! So, I go back to get one for my kid. Guess it's my overwhelming charm, the guy gave it to me for free!

After that we were off to Starbucks; now that was fun - not. All my kid wanted to do was run around the store picking up the various things they have out all at kid level. What are they thinking? Next I took her cranky butt to Half Price Books. Picked up 5 board books, thanks CB and SM for the recommendations, then I high-tailed it out of there. It was naptime and she was not a happy camper! Believe it or not, we managed a quick Wal-Mart trip afterwards. Phew, we were both tired after all of that!