Friday, December 23, 2005

Is he trying to give me a heart attack at 29?

OK, do you guys remember last summer when my hubby had the accident with the lift, and we spent the entire day at Parkland? Well, today he wrecked his dirt bike. I was inside wrapping presents, and Justin runs in the house screaming that Jeff's been hurt. So I run outside and he was lying on the ground not moving. By the time I got to him, he had come to. Apparently when he was jumping, the dirt bike bogged down, and didn't give enough power to make it to the landing of the jump. So what happened was it tossed Jeff off and he went head first over the handlebars. Get this; he WASN'T wearing a helmet! URGH! I swear, he's so dumb. Every time he gets on his bike to go ride, I am on him to put on his helmet. When he's riding on our little track by our house, he doesn't seem to think he needs it, for whatever reason. OK, so I'm out there with him, he's got blood all over his head, his knee is killing him and he's just rolling around moaning. Thank God he was moving and talking. When Justin got to him, he was unconscious. Justin was scared to death! After about 30 minutes of rolling around, sitting up, laying down, etc...I finally got the truck over there, and Justin and I were able to get him in the truck. He can't put any weight on his left leg, so he is next to impossible to move. When we came in, we only made it to the first bedroom, which is Justin's. He lay in there for a couple of hours, and then we had to get the rolling office chair to move him to the living room. I couldn't get him to the bathroom for a shower or bath. I did my best to wipe down his wounds with a wet rag. The ground literally took hunks of his hair out. He looks like he has a bad receding hairline, and then a little farther back, there is a hunk out where he has a bad scrape. Oh, and in his right shin there is like a puncture wound. We think it is from the foot peg...that thing is nasty. I got queasy looking at's literally a hole about the size of a pencil eraser, and it looks like it freakin' goes down to the bone. What do I do about that??? I made Justin squeeze some Benzoil Peroxide on it, but I don't know if that did any good. I don't know how we are going to make it over to my brother's tomorrow night for Christmas Eve...Anyone have any crutches? My Mema called and offered her wheelchair. I think we may have to take her up on it. I'll post pictures later.

So I am writing you now from the office of the Imaging place (aka Cat Scan). We went to the family dr this morning and he took x-rays. Big boy has two broken bones in his leg. Lovely, right? So, we are here to get a cat scan, then off to the orthopedic's office. Who knows how long that will take, or what they will do. If he gets a cast, I'll definitely have to put some pictures up. Oh, and I do have some of his scraped up head. I'll put those up later when we are back home....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Dallas Arboretum!!!

We went yesterday because I wanted to get some pictures of P in her Christmas dress; plus I wanted to test my new camera. The Arboretum wasn't decked out like I thought it would be. It was actually pretty blah. But, it was a gorgeous day today, and they had green grass and a lake view! So, I did get a few good pics. Here are some of them. I know it seems like a lot, but it's really not considering I took about 120!!!

My Fish Kiss!

Payton and her Aunt Lana

Payton with her Aunt Lana again.

This group of kids walked by us and Payton just decided she wanted to go with them. So, she grabbed the girls' hand and took off walking with them!!

I feel so "Martha-esque" (Is that a word?)

I made toffee last night for the first time ever! I got the idea from a girl on a mom's board that I am on. I pulled up a recipe from, went to the store for the stuff, and made it last night. It was actually very easy, and might have to make it a yearly thing. I packaged it up in this cute little box to give to my neighbor! Yeah!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

An Update...if you will

Remember this? Well, I just received the bills from the doctor and hospital for this little incident. Can you say $469.03!!!!!!! And that's OUR PART! I freakin' hate having insurance with a deductible. That was one freakin' expensive fishing trip. Dayum!

Just 4 More Days...

Yeah! I am so tired of the malls, streets, grocery stores, and everything else being so packed! I love Christmas, and this time of year, but I hate how crowded everything is! I'll be glad when it's not so freakin' crowded. I think I have all of my shopping done. I guess what I have is what everyone is getting...if they didn't get what was on their list, then they're just going to have to do without. :-) Is that mean?

I would like to say thank you to everyone for all the lovely Christmas cards. I mean, you guys have some good-lookin' families. Feliz Navidad.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Check this out

This was the sunset yesterday. Isn't it gorgeous?

Isn't She Lovely?

Isn't She's the infamous ornament. Ain't she purty?

Woo Hoo...Girls Night

I got to go out to dinner with some of my old girlfriends tonight...I don't mean old as in age old, I mean as in I've known them for a long time. We used to work together at good ol' EDS. Man, how times have changed. OTB in Allen, thanks for all the confusion. We had a great time. No, how exciting that can be. Sorry, no pics for you. That darn place closes at 10 PM. WTH????

~~~Oh, by the way... when I came home, was Payton asleep in her bed? No, she was asleep with daddy in MY bed. Hello? That's not the routine?! What's up with that?

Brooks....don't be mad

I know you are upset. There is counseling for that. I know you wanted that ornament...but it was obviously meant for my tree. I will take a picture of it tomorrow, just you show you how great it looks on MY tree. Really, don't cry.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas Party

Today was fun. We went to my mom's group Christmas party. We had an ornament exchange for the mommies and a book exchange for the kiddo's. Oh and we ate, of course. We always eat! :-) I got a really pretty ornament (thank you Brooks, and sorry Bonnie for stealing it from you). Anyway, it's awesome. I thought I would steal my ornament because I liked it too, but I didn't. That was my plan though, if anyone stole this one from me. Anyway, I got to use my new camera and take lots of pictures of cute kiddo's. I'll post some for your viewing pleasure.

Now for some good news

1. The Cowboys won last week. Yeah, thank you, no overtime. I'm so tired of these nail-biter endings! They are stressing me out.

2. I bought myself an early Christmas present. My brother has gotten me into camera's and picture-taking. Well, really my child is really the one who has gotten me interested in the picture taking, but he is into camera's and I've been digging his camera. So one day he tells me, "If you like this camera, you should get the D50" (which is a step down from his). So, what do I do? Think about it non-stop, research it, read reviews, and finally (after like, a week) give in. This is what it looks like...

Anyway, I absolutely love it so far...and thank you Troy for helping to increase your baby sister's debt. Pictures to come.

To catch you all up....

I know, it's been like a month since I've posted. So here's a little bit of what's been going on...

A few weeks ago, Jeff locked me out of the house. Yes, he did. I walked him out one morning, and when I walked around back to pick something up in the back yard, he left and closed the garage door when he left. Well, I had walked out through the garage with him, so it's not like he didn't know that was the only door that was unlocked. Oh, did I mention that all I was wearing was a t-shirt and undies? No shoes, no pants...Lovely, I know. So, I start checking all the windows, knowing they're all locked...of course, they all were. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that Payton was still in her bed, still asleep, I hoped. The next thing I decide to do is to walk to the neighbors. Well, we live out in the country, so it's not like they're right next door. Their house is about 5 acres away. Don't forget, I'm barefoot and we have a rock road. Oh but don't worry, I just walked across the freaking hay, weeds, and dirt. It felt GREAT! OK, so I make it over there, and guess what? Not home. So, I book it all the way back to my house and finally decide it's time to break a window. I broke the little one by the front door thinking it will be the cheapest to replace...not. Not only that, but it was double-paned, tempered, so none of the glass people had it in stock. Oh well, at least I made it in the house to get my baby! It was over a week before the window was fixed...the day before Thanksgiving.

OK, so some time passes...nothing too exciting happens, or at least that I can remember. Last Monday night I was getting ready to drive to Austin with a friend. Well, I turned on the water and we had no pressure. Jeff tells me to call the neighbor to see if they have any water pressure...of course, they do. So what does that mean? We have a busted pipe. So Jeff takes his big light out to look, and sure enough, water spewing everywhere on the side of our house, and a swamp! Lovely. This month's water bill should be massive. So, I need to leave, right? Who's gonna watch P so Jeff can fix the pipe? I'm already late to meet my friend, so it's not like I have time to hang out. I call my mom, no answer. So, I decided to call my sweet neighbor, who loves Payton. I hated to bother her, but knew she wouldn't mind. So, she graciously said she would come over. OK, now we're truckin. I was just a few minutes away from getting to leave my nice warm house to go on a three hour drive to Austin...did not want to go. So neighbor comes over, I go to leave, and what do I do? I freakin' BACKED INTO HER CAR!!!!!! OMG, what else can go wrong?? I was so upset and ticked off at myself for being soo stupid!!!!! OK, so the car isn't fixed yet. I felt horrible. So much for Christmas money! OK, I'm ending this long post now, but more to come.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Last Weekend

I was treated to an awesome concert~~ Gwen Stefani, with the Black Eyed Peas as the opening act. We had an awesome time. You can see pictures here.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

More Fall fun

So me, my girl and my girlfriend and her kids are off to the pumpkin patch again today. This will be the second trip for us, and like the umpteenth one for her. What kind of mom's would we be if we weren't constantly in search of the perfect picture of our adorable little ones? The weather is lovely outside, so it looks like it will be a beautiful Texas Fall day. Wish me luck! Back later with more pictures.

fun Friday night

we had a good time last night; went to dinner with my brother, his wife, and their little girl. Payton loves to play with Emma and give her lots of hugs and kisses. Emma's finally getting to where she likes to play and hug/kiss back. They are pretty fun to watch. We just learned that Emma is going to be a big sister come next summer! Woo hoo! Can't wait to have another niece or nephew! Of course, now they are pestering me to join in on the fun. I'd love to, but heck if I want to prego during the heat of the thank you.

anyway, that was a tangent. after dinner at dodie's, we went to their house to let the girls play, and we also watched a movie...Sahara...ever seen it? It was ok, I guess the best part was seeing Matt, talk about a cutie. man he is built! ok, that's all for my friday night excitement!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Exactly how did this happen?

Jeff took a half day off today to go fishing with his good buddy Cotton. Apparently, after fishing for about 45 minutes, Jeff hooked "a big one". His instant reflex is to jerk, and I mean hard. So, when he does, the hook comes loose & fires back "at about 30 mph", and nails him in the head. It pierced his ear with one hook, and implanted into his scalp with another. Lovely, huh? He's at the ER right now. Am I a bad wife for not going with him? I mean, we do have a baby to take care of after all. Anyway, of course I took pictures.

Fall pictures

OK, I know, I know, it's been a while. I'm behind again. What's new? We took Miss P to the pumpkin patch last weekend. It was OK, I didn't get really any good pictures. My husband always rushes me! Darn him. He's like, hurry up and take the picture. It doesn't matter if she's looking or not. Well, excuse me, but yes it does matter. To make matters worse, after we were there about 30 minutes, Payton got stung by a bee right on the cheek. Poor little thing! She actually was a trooper though. She only cried for a little bit. So, we left shortly after and got her some Benadryl. Here are the crappy pictures. OK, she still looks cute, but dang, she could have looked and smiled at least once! Hopefully we can get out there again before they close.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

And this day just keeps getting better

I'm so depressed right now. I just got word that my boss (who is awesome) is leaving the company. He's going to work for a (sorta) competitor. He is a huge reason why I took this job in the first place. I really am totally bummed about this. I actually cried when he announced it on our conference call. I just felt like I had been kicked in the gut. OK, now that you all think I'm weird, I'm gonna sign off and go have myself a little pity party.

I'm so pissed

OK, so the Cowboys looked halfway decent at the start of the game. They definitely had the momentum. What happened? Why is it that the coaches think that a 14 point lead is enough? That's only 2 touchdowns; which, as we saw, can be made up rather quickly. Why is it that we always take the conservative route --"Let's just run the ball up the middle all night"--oh yeah, sounds like a great plan! And, how do you miss a 41 yd field goal??? Huh, huh? You get paid the big bucks, right? ARGHH, I'm so annoyed today.

Oh, and to top it all off, my work laptop has crashed. Gotta get a new hard drive. Guess what else? Haven't backed up in a couple of months...great.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Oh, what a night...

We were awakened about 4:00 am to my daughter's crying. So I'm thinking she just can't find her paci, so I'm going to go give it to her and go back to bed. Well, before I even got into her room, the smell overtook me. She had thrown up all over herself and her bed, as well as had diarrhea coming out of her diaper. Lovely sight, I know. I couldn't stand the smell, so Jeff had to do the clean up. I did the bathing. So, we went back to bed, and a little while later, she got sick again. Luckily, she hasn't since then. Ugghh, my poor baby.

The Birthday Party

Yesterday we went to my niece Emma's first birthday party. All of the family was there. Payton has figured out the opening presents thing, so she was helping Emma (who could've cared less). I think Payton thought all the toys were hers; poor Emma! Anyway, we had a great time. Here are some pic's from the party!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Guess it's gonna be

another boring Saturday night. We have no plans; not even dinner out. I did rent a movie though, Guess Who. I hope it's good or my night will really suck! Just thought I'd complain a little. Hope y'all have a fun Saturday night.

Go Cowboys!

My favorite team of ALL-TIME is undefeated as of yet this season. So we've only played one game, what's the big deal? How long am I going to be able to say that. This week is a Monday night game - Primetime baby. We are gonna freakin' kill the Redskins. Better watch out Joe Gibbs!

Man, I'm so behind

On this scrapbook I'm working on for Payton. At this point, I'm just trying to get her first year done. She is 18.5 months, and I'm on month 3. Wow, I'm doing really well. Man, it's so overwhelming for a non-creative person. Anyway, I worked on it last night for roughly 5 hours. Got one two-page layout done. I'm good, I know. HA! Oh, but I also made a birthday card for my niece who turns one this week. Her party is today. I sure hope my kid takes a nap soon!

Dang, it's been a while...

since I've updated this thing. How boring it must be for the three people who read it! So yesterday was an interesting day. We went to lunch with the girlfriends. The good thing was we got to eat outside. Believe it or not it was actually pleasant in Dallas at noon-thirty. That didn't last long, 'cause it's already hot again. Anyway, there were like a jillion little kids running around. So much for actually enjoying a lunch. One of these days we are going to leave them all home with their dad's so that we can have a pleasant lunch!

I ate one of those big ol' burrito's from Chipotle. Damn, those things are huge. Gave Payton a bite, guess that hot sauce was too much for her---bad mom. So then I see these women with cheese quesadailla's for their little one's. I sure as heck didn't see that on the menu! So, I go back to get one for my kid. Guess it's my overwhelming charm, the guy gave it to me for free!

After that we were off to Starbucks; now that was fun - not. All my kid wanted to do was run around the store picking up the various things they have out all at kid level. What are they thinking? Next I took her cranky butt to Half Price Books. Picked up 5 board books, thanks CB and SM for the recommendations, then I high-tailed it out of there. It was naptime and she was not a happy camper! Believe it or not, we managed a quick Wal-Mart trip afterwards. Phew, we were both tired after all of that!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Our little vacation

Well, I haven't posted in a while! I know, I know, it's sad. We just returned from a little trip to San Diego. I had four days of work, then Jeff and Payton flew in to meet me. We spent Friday at the SD Zoo, then Saturday and Sunday at various beaches. Let me just say that that place is beautiful! WOW! I would love to live there. You couldn't ask for nicer weather.

So this was P's first plane trip, and Jeff got to take her by himself. I was pretty nervous for him, because he was nervous! He's not a very experienced traveler, so the thought of him doing it by himself made him a little nuts! I was quite relieved to pick them up at the airport and see that they were both still in one piece. He did really well, even though he forgot the STROLLER!!! Ah geez! Needless to say, I got to go buy ANOTHER stroller because I wasn't about to go four days without one. That would have been impossible.

So the zoo was really nice. I have to admit, I was really looking forward to it since I had heard such great things. I liked it, it was very pretty, but I was a little disappointed. I didn't see near as many animals as I thought I would. I don't know if they were all in hiding or what! Payton wasn't too excited about it either. Guess I should have known she would be too little, but she liked it a little. She was sooo worn out that she finally conked out in the stroller and we left.

The beaches and food were amazing. I must say I like the Pacific beaches much better than the Atlantic. We will definitely be going back there!

Well here are a few of our vacation pic's. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Little of This, Little of That

So, it's been a while. I wish I could say that I had some exciting news to share, but I don't! Life has just been flying merrily by! We got a new lawn mower this week. I'm sure that excites everyone! Jeff decided that the riding lawn mower that we had didn't mow fast enough, or turn sharp enough. So, he up and bought what we affectionately call a ZTR. For those of you who don't know, that means Zero Turn Radius. It's what you see most landscapers using where they push the two bars to steer. Anyway, that's the excitement in our lives this week. Let me tell ya, Jeff is excited! Woo hoo for him.

So Payton's been saying sentences a lot this past couple of weeks. Really, one sentence that she changes out the words. For instance, "Where daddy go?" or "Where milk go?". As you can imagine, I'm extremely proud. Not even 1.5 and already making sentences. Brilliance does run in the family though.........

Friday, July 08, 2005

Fourth of July

So we had a pretty good 4th. We opted to stay home this year so that we could keep better control of Payton! She's at this age where she thinks she can do whatever she wants, and has no fear! So we had some of the family over on the 3rd, and we ate brisket and stuff. Then all of the kids went and bought fireworks. What a great idea! In the midst of shooting off all the fireworks, Jeff and Mike thought it would be a good idea to light one of the big one's and then throw it in the field of 6 ft. tall, dry dead weeds! Man, they are intelligent! Needless to say, a fire shortly erupted but Jeff was able to get it out. It was pretty scary because it got big so fast! Geez!
So the night of the 4th we went to Dana's for BBQ. We had a great time. We watched the fireworks in Flower Mound then headed home. We managed to catch the Frisco firework traffic and didn't get home til 11:00 PM! Both Payton and Justin were out!! Happy Fourth!
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