Monday, August 07, 2006

A Fun Weekend

Is it already the work week? Ugh! I swear, the weekends are TOO SHORT and go by TOO FAST! We had a fun weekend (aside from hurting my back). Saturday night I went to a boudoir party (don't tell Jeff, it's a secret/surprise). I had an awesome time. I went in very nervous and self-conscious, and came out feeling like a hot, sexy mama, with a ton more self-esteem! I can't believe how much I enjoyed it. I cannot wait to see the pictures. We had an awesome photographer who made us feel so comfortable. I had never met her before that night, but I was so relaxed with her. She did an awesome job!

Yesterday, we went to Red River ATV to ride motorcycles with Chris and Traci. It was a very last minute thing, but we had a really good time, heat and all! It was weird, I didn't ride much, but when I did, my back didn't bother me! So weird, but like I said, it hurts in some positions, but not in others. Anyway, we had a good weekend. When we got home last night it was dark and smelled like rain. I think it poured all around us, but we didn't get a DROP! Ugh! We must not be living right! :-)

I still haven't taken my landscape pictures. I need to get on that...what to do???


Anonymous said...

What exactly is a boudoir party? WOW?? Do tell...

christine said...

LOL!!! IT HURTS IN SOME POSITIONS BUT NOT OTHERS!!! hmmmm I wonder if Jeff knows what those positions are...?? LOL

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » »