Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And Now Back to your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

I apologize for that delay! I don't know why, but October has been extremely busy for us. We are constantly on the go! So much so, that I failed to wish my sweet boy a happy half-year birthday on 10-1. Can you believe it? I can't. 6 Months Old!

Here's what you are doing at 6 months old, Jax:
- You are very aware, and always paying attention to what is going on
- You don't like to be away from Mommy. You watch me if I walk away, and you usually cry.
- You are still nursing like a champ, and you have recently started eating some solid foods! Your first food was mashed up banana's, and you made quite a sour face at those!
- You are sitting up like a champ! You started this at about 5.5 months old.
- You can roll over both ways, but you don't usually go too far.
- Once you are up on your belly, you will push up strong, and push up with your feet and rock. I'm just waiting for the day you figure out you can go places!
- You love to babble! I will often hear da da da. Daddy thinks you are referring to him, but we won't spoil the fun and tell him you are just babbling.
- You also love to blow your lips and making spitting noises. As a matter of fact, you woke me up with this behavior at 6 o'clock this morning, and thought it was quite funny!
- You have eaten banana's, sweet potato's, oatmeal, avocado, and rice cereal. I would have to say you have grown to like the banana's the most so far.
- You smile very big when your big brother or sister come to play with you. They love you so much!
- You make Mommy's day everyday, and I don't know what I would do without you. You are the sweetest, most perfect baby boy a Mommy could ask for! I love you!

And now for the pictures!

A couple 5 month pictures:

More exciting pictures to come!

1 comment:

Chrystyna said...

Happy belated 6 mo b-day little man! You and Mac sound too much alike. She loves to spit at me also...haha!
And her Daddy is in awe that his baby knows how to say Dada! Too bad she's just showing off her baby babble and it has nothing to do with him! Maybe you and her can get together and learn how to say Mama :)