Monday, August 01, 2005

Our little vacation

Well, I haven't posted in a while! I know, I know, it's sad. We just returned from a little trip to San Diego. I had four days of work, then Jeff and Payton flew in to meet me. We spent Friday at the SD Zoo, then Saturday and Sunday at various beaches. Let me just say that that place is beautiful! WOW! I would love to live there. You couldn't ask for nicer weather.

So this was P's first plane trip, and Jeff got to take her by himself. I was pretty nervous for him, because he was nervous! He's not a very experienced traveler, so the thought of him doing it by himself made him a little nuts! I was quite relieved to pick them up at the airport and see that they were both still in one piece. He did really well, even though he forgot the STROLLER!!! Ah geez! Needless to say, I got to go buy ANOTHER stroller because I wasn't about to go four days without one. That would have been impossible.

So the zoo was really nice. I have to admit, I was really looking forward to it since I had heard such great things. I liked it, it was very pretty, but I was a little disappointed. I didn't see near as many animals as I thought I would. I don't know if they were all in hiding or what! Payton wasn't too excited about it either. Guess I should have known she would be too little, but she liked it a little. She was sooo worn out that she finally conked out in the stroller and we left.

The beaches and food were amazing. I must say I like the Pacific beaches much better than the Atlantic. We will definitely be going back there!

Well here are a few of our vacation pic's. I hope you enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Awww! Looks like you,P, and Jeff had a wonderful time! Those are great pics! Welcome back, I missed you!

Michelle said...

Thanks Sandy...I missed you too!