Thursday, October 27, 2005

Exactly how did this happen?

Jeff took a half day off today to go fishing with his good buddy Cotton. Apparently, after fishing for about 45 minutes, Jeff hooked "a big one". His instant reflex is to jerk, and I mean hard. So, when he does, the hook comes loose & fires back "at about 30 mph", and nails him in the head. It pierced his ear with one hook, and implanted into his scalp with another. Lovely, huh? He's at the ER right now. Am I a bad wife for not going with him? I mean, we do have a baby to take care of after all. Anyway, of course I took pictures.


Carole said...


Crazy Kids' Mama said...

That's not a fish hook/lure, that's a fashion statement baby - ask Kelly, all the kids are doing it!!