Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Slacking...

I haven't posted in a while, so here's what's going on.

Jax is sick. Poor baby has croup. He sounds AWFUL! He really sounds like he is having a hard time breathing, but the dr. says he is breathing good. So, we just wait it out. That is tough; I hate that I can't do anything to help him.

Payton was sick all last week with an upper respiratory infection. She is doing much better, but still is coughing a little bit. I'm sure she gave this to Jax.

Friday night we are going to the circus. We are really looking forward to it! We have gone the past few years and had a blast. Last year we were somewhat disappointed in the circus, but this year Bello is Back! It's a Bellobration! It should be lots of fun! I am debating on whether to take Jax with us or leave him with a sitter. Part of me wants to take him with me, and part of me wants to just let him chill here with a sitter, and then we would have some one-on-one time with Payton, which she never gets anymore. So, we will see. I have a couple days to think about it.

Anyway, that's the latest with us, and why I haven't posted much. I'm sure after this weekend, I will have tons of pictures to post!

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