Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Cows

Yes, we live out in the country. Yes, I see cows everyday when I am come and go to my house. But, though we have 2 acres, we don't have any cows of our own. Yesterday as I went outside to feed Bella, she was barking like crazy at something. So, I peek around the house to see what it was, and sure enough, there were about 15 cows in my front yard. Nice! See, I have not a clue who these cows belonged to, or who the heck to call to have them come get their darn cows! For those of you who don't know, we have a pond. A pond that Jeff has spent a TON of time on, and lots of money on. When we first bought this land, it was pretty much just a big hole that would fill up when it rained, and dry up when it didn't. So, we have spent a lot of money, and Jeff has spent a lot of time getting it to hold water. He tried everything from rock salt to sodium bentonite. Finally, we bit the bullet and bought a HUGE fish safe plastic liner. This baby wasn't cheap. So, when Jeff heard about the cows, he was like "You cannot let them get in the pond." Easier said than done, right? Well finally the owner shows up, and tells me he has family members on their way to help round up the cows. Meanwhile, here I am trying to get the cows away from the pond. While I grew up on a ranch, I was no cowgirl. I haven't quite learned yet what cows respond to, but it's not "Hey!". Those damn things just straight up ignored me, and one of them walked through the pond anyway. I was freakin'! I still have no clue if it damaged the liner; there's no way to really tell aside from strapping on some scuba gear to take a peek. I am just crossing my fingers and toes that they didn't. Those damn things weigh a ton though, so I don't know how it 'couldn't. Ugh, anyway, I got the guy's name and number, just in case. We'll see!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm still laughing about the scuba gear. I think you should do it :)