Tuesday, August 12, 2008

4 Month Stats, before I forget!

My little Chunk 'O Love is doing just great! He is growing so fast, it's crazy! I keep telling him to slow down, but he's just not listening to me! He is finally pretty much over his respiratory crud. He went in last Friday for his 4 month check-up. He got one shot, the DTaP, and he did great with it. He didn't run fever this time! Yeah! So here are his stats:

Weight: 16 lb. 12 oz. (WOW!)
Length: 26"

One thing he has really started doing the past couple of weeks is chew on his thumbs. He often tries to put his whole fist in his mouth, but he very successfully gets that thumb in his mouth and gnaws away. I am wondering if he is teething, because he really doesn't suck it. Yesterday he had both thumbs in there; it was so cute!

Visual Evidence:


Chrystyna said...

Oh Michelle...he is sooo stinkin cute!! We need to get together soon :)

Fabulous Terrah said...

HThese pictures made me smile. What a CUTIE. :)

Melanie said...

Nolan has started the thumb thing too. He gnaws on it but doesn't suck it. Please tell me that it's not teething this early!