Thursday, April 13, 2006

Some very sad news

I just found out that our spunky neighbor, Modene, has suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. She is currently on life support until her family all gets there to see her. I am so sad right now. She was such a sweet lady. Yes, she lived a long, fulfilling life, but it's still so hard. I'm so glad that Payton and Jeff just went and visited her the other day. She always loved to see both of them. She thought of Jeff as a grandson, and just loved P. I just pray that she didn't suffer. Anyway, please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

~~UPDATE~~ Modene passed away on Saturday, April 15. She has gone to be with her Savior.


Krysta said...

Oh no!
That is sad news, indeed. :o(

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry Michelle..