Sunday, July 23, 2006


Justin and I took Payton to her first real movie last week at the theater. We were going for a $1 showing of Curious George, but after waiting in a monstrous line, they had sold out two theaters. So, we opted to try Cars. Payton did pretty darn good for a 2 year old in a 2 hour movie. She definitely got antsy towards the end, but all in all, did great. I don't think she was that thrilled with the movie though! LOL.

Next, we had a playdate at my friend Krysta's house last week. We had a great time, as always. There were a few new folks there, so that was exciting. Payton played with her friends and we ate and talked. See pic's below.

Miss Sassy Britches

Oh, what her daddy would say if he saw this!

We decided to go on one more vacation this year, not that we should be, but you know how that is. Anyway, we are very excited! We are going on a cruise with Traci & Chris the first week of October, and we can't wait. Payton is going to stay here with Nana, so hopefully we'll get some good relaxation while we are there.

Payton got the pleasure of going with me to my annual gyn appointment. Fun, yes, I know. She was a very good girl though. She chatted up the doctor and nurses, and learned a new phrase, "pap smear". Yes, she will know that all too well one of these days. Anyway, it was so cute, the dr. asked her something about her friends, and she said, "My friends are Jacob, Lucy, and Ashlyn". Awww...

And last, but not least, my 2.5 year old now has a 4-wheeler. Not an electric, buy at Wal-Mart 4 wheeler, nooooo, a REAL one. It is really cute though!! Jeff got a slammin' deal on it, so he couldn't pass it up. We are going to keep it boxed/locked up for a good while though. Probably until she's at least 4. It's really cool though--it has an alarm (not sure why), and it has remote start and stop. So, if she decides to head for the creek or something, we can kill the engine with the push of a button! Oh, and did I mention it's pink camo? So Cute!

So, that's the excitement for us lately. I'll "try" to post more often! Anywho, here are the pics.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Krysta's Dad bought her a three-wheeler when she was 4 years old. I was really nervous about it, but she was really good about remembering the safety rules at that age. Three-whellers were all that was available 23 years ago, or I would have insisted on the safer four-wheel version. anyway, Peyton is an incredibly smart little girl. She'll be ready for it, when the time comes.