Friday, December 23, 2005
Is he trying to give me a heart attack at 29?
So I am writing you now from the office of the Imaging place (aka Cat Scan). We went to the family dr this morning and he took x-rays. Big boy has two broken bones in his leg. Lovely, right? So, we are here to get a cat scan, then off to the orthopedic's office. Who knows how long that will take, or what they will do. If he gets a cast, I'll definitely have to put some pictures up. Oh, and I do have some of his scraped up head. I'll put those up later when we are back home....
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Dallas Arboretum!!!
My Fish Kiss!

Payton and her Aunt Lana

Payton with her Aunt Lana again.

This group of kids walked by us and Payton just decided she wanted to go with them. So, she grabbed the girls' hand and took off walking with them!!

I feel so "Martha-esque" (Is that a word?)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
An Update...if you will
Just 4 More Days...
I would like to say thank you to everyone for all the lovely Christmas cards. I mean, you guys have some good-lookin' families. Feliz Navidad.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Woo Hoo...Girls Night
~~~Oh, by the way... when I came home, was Payton asleep in her bed? No, she was asleep with daddy in MY bed. Hello? That's not the routine?! What's up with that?
Brooks....don't be mad
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Christmas Party

Now for some good news
2. I bought myself an early Christmas present. My brother has gotten me into camera's and picture-taking. Well, really my child is really the one who has gotten me interested in the picture taking, but he is into camera's and I've been digging his camera. So one day he tells me, "If you like this camera, you should get the D50" (which is a step down from his). So, what do I do? Think about it non-stop, research it, read reviews, and finally (after like, a week) give in. This is what it looks like...

Anyway, I absolutely love it so far...and thank you Troy for helping to increase your baby sister's debt. Pictures to come.
To catch you all up....
A few weeks ago, Jeff locked me out of the house. Yes, he did. I walked him out one morning, and when I walked around back to pick something up in the back yard, he left and closed the garage door when he left. Well, I had walked out through the garage with him, so it's not like he didn't know that was the only door that was unlocked. Oh, did I mention that all I was wearing was a t-shirt and undies? No shoes, no pants...Lovely, I know. So, I start checking all the windows, knowing they're all locked...of course, they all were. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that Payton was still in her bed, still asleep, I hoped. The next thing I decide to do is to walk to the neighbors. Well, we live out in the country, so it's not like they're right next door. Their house is about 5 acres away. Don't forget, I'm barefoot and we have a rock road. Oh but don't worry, I just walked across the freaking hay, weeds, and dirt. It felt GREAT! OK, so I make it over there, and guess what? Not home. So, I book it all the way back to my house and finally decide it's time to break a window. I broke the little one by the front door thinking it will be the cheapest to replace...not. Not only that, but it was double-paned, tempered, so none of the glass people had it in stock. Oh well, at least I made it in the house to get my baby! It was over a week before the window was fixed...the day before Thanksgiving.
OK, so some time passes...nothing too exciting happens, or at least that I can remember. Last Monday night I was getting ready to drive to Austin with a friend. Well, I turned on the water and we had no pressure. Jeff tells me to call the neighbor to see if they have any water pressure...of course, they do. So what does that mean? We have a busted pipe. So Jeff takes his big light out to look, and sure enough, water spewing everywhere on the side of our house, and a swamp! Lovely. This month's water bill should be massive. So, I need to leave, right? Who's gonna watch P so Jeff can fix the pipe? I'm already late to meet my friend, so it's not like I have time to hang out. I call my mom, no answer. So, I decided to call my sweet neighbor, who loves Payton. I hated to bother her, but knew she wouldn't mind. So, she graciously said she would come over. OK, now we're truckin. I was just a few minutes away from getting to leave my nice warm house to go on a three hour drive to Austin...did not want to go. So neighbor comes over, I go to leave, and what do I do? I freakin' BACKED INTO HER CAR!!!!!! OMG, what else can go wrong?? I was so upset and ticked off at myself for being soo stupid!!!!! OK, so the car isn't fixed yet. I felt horrible. So much for Christmas money! OK, I'm ending this long post now, but more to come.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Last Weekend
Saturday, October 29, 2005
More Fall fun
fun Friday night
anyway, that was a tangent. after dinner at dodie's, we went to their house to let the girls play, and we also watched a movie...Sahara...ever seen it? It was ok, I guess the best part was seeing Matt, talk about a cutie. man he is built! ok, that's all for my friday night excitement!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Exactly how did this happen?

Fall pictures

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
And this day just keeps getting better
I'm so pissed
Oh, and to top it all off, my work laptop has crashed. Gotta get a new hard drive. Guess what else? Haven't backed up in a couple of months...great.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Oh, what a night...
The Birthday Party

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Guess it's gonna be
Go Cowboys!
Man, I'm so behind
Dang, it's been a while...
I ate one of those big ol' burrito's from Chipotle. Damn, those things are huge. Gave Payton a bite, guess that hot sauce was too much for her---bad mom. So then I see these women with cheese quesadailla's for their little one's. I sure as heck didn't see that on the menu! So, I go back to get one for my kid. Guess it's my overwhelming charm, the guy gave it to me for free!
After that we were off to Starbucks; now that was fun - not. All my kid wanted to do was run around the store picking up the various things they have out all at kid level. What are they thinking? Next I took her cranky butt to Half Price Books. Picked up 5 board books, thanks CB and SM for the recommendations, then I high-tailed it out of there. It was naptime and she was not a happy camper! Believe it or not, we managed a quick Wal-Mart trip afterwards. Phew, we were both tired after all of that!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Our little vacation
Well, I haven't posted in a while! I know, I know, it's sad. We just returned from a little trip to San Diego. I had four days of work, then Jeff and Payton flew in to meet me. We spent Friday at the SD Zoo, then Saturday and Sunday at various beaches. Let me just say that that place is beautiful! WOW! I would love to live there. You couldn't ask for nicer weather.
So this was P's first plane trip, and Jeff got to take her by himself. I was pretty nervous for him, because he was nervous! He's not a very experienced traveler, so the thought of him doing it by himself made him a little nuts! I was quite relieved to pick them up at the airport and see that they were both still in one piece. He did really well, even though he forgot the STROLLER!!! Ah geez! Needless to say, I got to go buy ANOTHER stroller because I wasn't about to go four days without one. That would have been impossible.
So the zoo was really nice. I have to admit, I was really looking forward to it since I had heard such great things. I liked it, it was very pretty, but I was a little disappointed. I didn't see near as many animals as I thought I would. I don't know if they were all in hiding or what! Payton wasn't too excited about it either. Guess I should have known she would be too little, but she liked it a little. She was sooo worn out that she finally conked out in the stroller and we left.
The beaches and food were amazing. I must say I like the Pacific beaches much better than the Atlantic. We will definitely be going back there!
Well here are a few of our vacation pic's. I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Little of This, Little of That
So Payton's been saying sentences a lot this past couple of weeks. Really, one sentence that she changes out the words. For instance, "Where daddy go?" or "Where milk go?". As you can imagine, I'm extremely proud. Not even 1.5 and already making sentences. Brilliance does run in the family though.........

Friday, July 08, 2005
Fourth of July
So the night of the 4th we went to Dana's for BBQ. We had a great time. We watched the fireworks in Flower Mound then headed home. We managed to catch the Frisco firework traffic and didn't get home til 11:00 PM! Both Payton and Justin were out!! Happy Fourth!